Victoria Life


Understanding IVF

IVF is a fertility treatment that involves fertilizing an egg with sperm outside of the body and then transferring the resulting embryo(s) into the uterus.
It is a complex process that requires careful planning and monitoring, but it can be a highly effective way to conceive a child for many couples.

IVF can overcome complex health problems that prevent natural conception. For example, a woman may have damaged fallopian tubes or endometriosis, a man may have low sperm quality, and for some couples, the cause is unknown. 
Our team offers effective IVF treatment and helps to overcome infertility problems.

Step by step


First Consultation

Сonsultation, ultrasound, interpretation of the examination, drawing up a further treatment plan, examination plan, and providing a conclusion. Based on the conclusion - together we decide on what to do next - an IVF or IUI program or deferred motherhood.


Choosing IVF

If we choose an IVF program, then patients are tested, examined, and after receiving the results, the doctor determines which treatment program will be the most effective. We teach patients how to perform the injections correctly and provide a stimulation protocol. The first ultrasound under stimulation is performed on days 6 and 10.


Biomaterial Sampling

Oocytes are collected on the 12th day from the first day of stimulation, under intravenous anesthesia in the operating room. On the same day, a man donates sperm


Fertilization and Cultivation

Oocytes are fertilized with sperm and are transformed into embryos. After that, the process of cultivation of embryos is carried out in laboratory conditions for 5-6 days.


Testing or Cryopreservation

Embryos go through testing or cryopreservation (without genetic testing) and are stored in our Egg Bank until the next stage.


Embryo Transfer

Embryos are transferred to patients in order to begin the pregnancy stage.


Pregnancy and Birth

Throughout the pregnancy stage, our patient is under the supervision of highly experienced specialists who are ready to support you on every step, up to the birth of happiness.


IVF with fresh donor oocytes (8 oocytes) - 5850 EUR

The price includes:● a set of fresh eggs - 8;● ICSI (8 eggs);● cultivation of embryos to the blastocyst stage of development;● embryo transfer;
Warranty: - the presence of 2 blastocysts;


IVF Packages


IVF cryopreserved donor oocytes (8 oocytes) - 5600 EUR

The price includes:● a set of frozen oocytes - 8;● devitrification (defrosting) of oocytes;● ICSI (8 oocytes);● cultivation of embryos to the blastocyst stage of development;● embryo transfer;
Warranty: - the presence of 2 blastocysts;In the absence of embryos for embryo transfer, another set of 4 eggs will be provided.



IVF with cryopreserved donor oocytes (15 oocytes) - 8100 EUR

The price includes:● a set of cryopreserved oocytes - 15;● devitrification (defrosting) of oocytes;● ICSI (15 oocytes);● cultivation of embryos to the blastocyst stage of development;● embryo transfer;
Warranty: - the presence of at least 2 blastocysts;In the absence of embryos for embryo transfer, another set of 7 eggs will be provided.



IVF with own biological material - 4500 EUR

The price includes:● consultation with a reproductive specialist;● stimulation protocol;● ultrasound monitoring in the IVF program;● intravenous anesthesia;● transvaginal ovarian puncture with aspiration of follicular contents;● ICSI and cultivation of embryos to the blastocyst stage of development.● embryo transfer into the patient's uterine cavity;
This program does not include genetic testing of embryos and cryopreservation of embryos.

My Life


IVF cycle (own oocytes + donor oocytes) - 7900 EUR (ICSI up to 8 oocytes)

The price includes:● consultation with a reproductive specialist;● stimulation protocol;● ultrasound monitoring in the IVF program;● intravenous anesthesia;● transvaginal ovarian puncture with aspiration of follicle contents;● thawing of 4 donated oocytes;● ICSI;● cultivation of embryos to the blastocyst stage of development;
● embryo transfer into the patient's uterine cavity.

This program does not include genetic testing of embryos and cryopreservation of embryos.



Program for the use of donor embryos (untested) from anonymous donors - 3500 EUR

The price includes:● 1 untested embryo;● consultation with a reproductive specialist;● consultation with a medical coordinator on embryo selection;● stimulation protocol;● ultrasound monitoring in the IVF program;● embryo defrosting;● auxiliary hatching;● embryo transfer.



Program with the use of an embryo (PGD test) - 4800 EUR

The price includes:● 1 PGD-tested embryo;consultation with a reproductive specialist;● consultation with a medical coordinator on embryo selection;● stimulation protocol;● ultrasound monitoring in the IVF program;● embryo defrosting;● embryo transfer.



      ICSI is a specialized form of IVF. In contrast to standard IVF, where the sperm has to penetrate the egg by itself, ICSI involves injecting a single sperm directly into an egg using a fine glass needle. All other stages of the treatment cycle are identical to IVF.
   ICSI is recommended in cases where there are not enough motile sperm to fertilize an egg using normal IVF. It is particularly useful in cases where sperm parameters are severely reduced. 


You are free to reach us anytime and receive a professional consultation.

  • 27 Grasmere Avenue, London, United Kingdom, W3 6JT

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