Victoria Life

Together We Can Create Parenthood


We believe that everyone who wants to become a parent, can. 
Family-building is a beautiful experience, and our surrogate agency will help you to build your dream.

How to Become A Surrogate Mother


Qualification Requirements:

To be considered as a surrogate applicant, you must:● Be between 21-38 years of age;● Have at least 1 healthy child of your own;● Have a satisfactory state of health;● No chronic diseases.● No bad habits

Step-by-step process


Surrogacy Application

This surrogacy application is the first step.


Surrogacy Screening

Our next steps involve a screening process, which includes: ● Thorough analysis of your medical records;● Assessment of your physical and psychological health;● Assessments of both your physical and mental health● Appointment for medical examinations.


Medical Screening and Legal Agreement

Once you confirm your match, you will be scheduled for your screening at the clinic.● Meeting with the future parents at the clinic;● We will reimburse all expenses related to the trip to the clinic, as well as the cost of meals;● Signing a legal agreement with the future parents at a notary. The legal agreement covers all aspects of the program, including all monetary payments.


Cycle Preparation

After signing a legal agreement with the parents, we plan to start medication preparation aimed at preparing the endometrium for embryo transfer. Usually, the start of endometrial stimulation begins on day 1 of the menstrual cycle.


Embryo Transfer

● As soon as the endometrium is suitable, the doctor appoints the day of embryo transfer (transfer of the embryo into the uterine cavity).● Within 14 days of the embryo transfer, the surrogate mother takes medications prescribed by the doctor (maintenance therapy).● 14 days after the embryo transfer, the surrogate mother has to undergo a blood test for Beta hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) to confirm the onset of pregnancy.● If the test result is positive, the surrogate mother continues medication support, and if it is negative, she discontinues the medication only after the doctor's confirmation;● Two weeks after a positive hCG, the surrogate mother should undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs to confirm the pregnancy, its localization, and the presence of embryonic structures;● 2 weeks after the first ultrasound, the doctor prescribes the next scheduled ultrasound to determine the fetal heartbeat and the progress of the pregnancy.



● At the 10th week of pregnancy, the surrogate mother registers at the antenatal clinic for further medical examination and pregnancy monitoring;● Throughout the entire pregnancy, the surrogate mother is under the reliable care of the best specialists, as well as a personal coordinator who is in touch 24/7.

How to become an Intended Parent


We understand how confusing and stressful the surrogacy process can be, and it is our goal to make your journey as simple and enjoyable as possible.
We customize our surrogacy programs to ensure you get individualized attention from the first consultation through the birth of your baby.

How To Become Intended Parents


Fill Out The Contact Form

Our medical coordinator will contact you for a detailed discussion of your needs.



During the first consultation, our medical coordinator will answer all your questions and provide all the necessary information.

You are free to reach us anytime and receive a professional consultation.

  • 27 Grasmere Avenue, London, United Kingdom, W3 6JT

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