Victoria Life


In order to give you an idea of the likely cost of treatment, we have compiled an indicative list of IVF prices into sections.

  • Consultations

    Initial Consultation Online or Offline: Free
    Consultation of a specialist in the treatment of complex IVF cases: 80 EUR Consultation of a geneticist: 100 EUR Urologist consultation: 50 EUR Consultation with a gynecologist: 50 EUR Consultation with an endocrinologist: 70 EUR Spermogram: 30 EUR

  • IVF Packages

    1. LifeIVF with fresh donor oocytes (8 - 10 oocytes) - 5850 EUR
    The price includes:● a set of fresh eggs - 8;● ICSI (8 eggs);● cultivation of embryos to the blastocyst stage of development;● embryo transfer;
    Warranty: - the presence of 2 blastocysts;
    2. ReliableIVF cryopreserved donor oocytes (8 oocytes) - 5600 EUR
    The price includes:● a set of frozen oocytes - 8;● devitrification (defrosting) of oocytes;● ICSI (8 oocytes);● cultivation of embryos to the blastocyst stage of development;● embryo transfer;
    Warranty: - the presence of 2 blastocysts;In the absence of embryos for embryo transfer, another set of 4 eggs will be provided.
    3. Reliable+IVF with cryopreserved donor oocytes (15 oocytes) - 8100 EUR
    The price includes:● a set of cryopreserved oocytes - 15;● devitrification (defrosting) of oocytes;● ICSI (15 oocytes);● cultivation of embryos to the blastocyst stage of development;● embryo transfer;
    Warranty: - the presence of at least 2 blastocysts;In the absence of embryos for embryo transfer, another set of 7 eggs will be provided.
    4. My LifeIVF with own biological material - 4500 EUR
    The price includes:● consultation with a reproductive specialist;● stimulation protocol;● ultrasound monitoring in the IVF program;● intravenous anesthesia;● transvaginal ovarian puncture with aspiration of follicular contents;● ICSI and cultivation of embryos to the blastocyst stage of development.● embryo transfer into the patient's uterine cavity;
    This program does not include genetic testing of embryos and cryopreservation of embryos.
    5. ConstructorIVF cycle (own oocytes + donor oocytes) - 7900 EUR (ICSI up to 8 oocytes)
    The price includes:● consultation with a reproductive specialist;● stimulation protocol;● ultrasound monitoring in the IVF program;● intravenous anesthesia;● transvaginal ovarian puncture with aspiration of follicle contents;● thawing of 4 donated oocytes;● ICSI;● cultivation of embryos to the blastocyst stage of development;● embryo transfer into the patient's uterine cavity.
    This program does not include genetic testing of embryos and cryopreservation of embryos.
    6. TestedProgram with the use of PGD-tested embryo - 4800 EUR
    The price includes:● 1 PGD-tested embryo;● consultation with a reproductive specialist;● consultation with a medical coordinator on embryo selection;● stimulation protocol;● ultrasound monitoring in the IVF program;● embryo defrosting;● embryo transfer.
    7. UntestedProgram for the use of donor embryos (untested) from anonymous donors - 3500 EUR
    The price includes:● 1 untested embryo;● consultation with a reproductive specialist;● consultation with a medical coordinator on embryo selection;● stimulation protocol;● ultrasound monitoring in the IVF program;● embryo defrosting;● auxiliary hatching;● embryo transfer.

  • Motherhood

    1. Deferred MotherhoodOocyte freezing - 4500 EUR
    The price includes:● consultation with a reproductive specialist;● stimulation protocol;● ultrasound monitoring in the IVF program;● intravenous anesthesia;● transvaginal ovarian puncture with aspiration of follicle contents;● vitrification of oocytes;● storage of biological material (up to 3 straws) for 1 year;● medications for the superovulation stimulation.
    Storage of each additional straw is charged additionally.
    2. Deferred Motherhood+Oocyte freezing - 4000 EUR
    The price includes:● consultation with a reproductive specialist;● stimulation protocol;● ultrasound monitoring in the IVF program;● intravenous anesthesia;● transvaginal ovarian puncture with aspiration of follicle contents;● vitrification of oocytes;● storage of biological material (up to 3 straws) for 1 year;
    This program does not include medications to stimulate superovulation.Storage of each additional straw is charged additionally.

  • Onco-Fertility

    1. OncofertilityFreezing of oocytes - 2800 EUR (stimulation with letrozole)
    The price includes:● consultation with a reproductive specialist;● stimulation protocol;● ultrasound monitoring of the stimulated cycle;● intravenous anesthesia;● transvaginal ovarian puncture with aspiration of follicle contents;● vitrification of oocytes;● medication for superovulation stimulation;● storage of biological material for 1 year;
    2. Oncofertility+Oocyte freezing - 2800 EUR (gonadotropin stimulation)
    The price includes:● consultation with a reproductive specialist;● stimulation protocol;● ultrasound monitoring of the stimulated cycle;● intravenous anesthesia;● transvaginal ovarian puncture with aspiration of follicle contents;● vitrification of oocytes;● storage of biological material for 1 year;
    This program does not include medications to stimulate superovulation.

  • IVM Packages

    1. IVMEgg retrieval program without stimulation - 3500 EUR
    The price includes:● Anesthesia● Puncture● Freezing● Cultivation● Vitrification

  • Cryoembryo Transfer

    Includes embryo devitrification and embryo transfer - 1330 EURThawing of the 1st straw with embryos - 830 EURDefrosting the 2nd and subsequent straws with embryos - 600 EUREmbryo transfer - 500 EURComplicated embryo transfer - 250 EUR (paid after the procedure)NGS test (for 1 embryo) - 730 EUR

  • Intrauterine insemination

    *Intrauterine insemination with husband's sperm - 500 EUR
    The program includes:● Ultrasound monitoring of the natural cycle;● preparation of the husband's sperm for the procedure;● intrauterine insertion of the husband's sperm into the uterine cavity

  • Egg/Embryo and Semen Freezing&Storage

    Portion of donor sperm (Ukrainian sperm bank) - 450 EUROne oocyte - 450 EURFreezing and storage of the first 2 straws with embryos (1 year) - 500 EURFreezing and storage of the third and subsequent straws (for 1 straw) - 190 EURStorage of biomaterial up to 2 straws (1 year) - 280 EURStorage of biomaterial up to 4 straws (1 year) - 400 EURStorage of biomaterial up to 7 straws (1 year) - 530 EURStorage of biomaterial up to 2 straws (6 months) - 170 EURStorage of biomaterial up to 2 straws (1 month) - 50 EURCryopreservation of sperm - 200 EUR

  • Procedures

    Hysteroscopy - 650 EURASP - 600 EURICSI and embryo cultivation (up to 15) - 1000 EURICSI and embryo cultivation (more than 15) - 2000 EURPICSI - 450 EURZyMot - 240 EUROocyte activation - 300 EUREmbryoGlue - 100 EUREmbryoGen Medium (culture medium) - 200 EURMedications for stimulation of superovulation - 2010 EUR (depending on the required drugs)

  • Endometrioid Cyst Sclerotherapy

    Endometrioid cyst sclerotherapy - 500 EURThe procedure includes:intravenous anaesthesia;sclerotherapy of endometrioid cysts. TESA - 550 EURmicroTESA - 800 EUR

  • Program for determining the implantation window using the SEM method

    Program for determining the implantation window using the SEM method - 600 EUR
    Includes:● Endometrial stimulation protocol;● ultrasound monitoring;● 3 pap biopsies;
    The program does not include medications for endometrial stimulation.

  • Treatment Program for Thin Endometrium

    Thin endometrium treatment program (10 magnetic therapy procedures) - 300 EUR
    Thin endometrium treatment program (10 procedures of laser therapy) - 700 EUR
    Thin endometrium treatment program (10 procedures of ultrasound therapy) - 700 EUR

You are free to reach us anytime and receive a professional consultation.

  • 27 Grasmere Avenue, London, United Kingdom, W3 6JT

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