Victoria Life


●Expert in the treatment of complex cases of infertility;● Reproductive specialist, obstetrician-gynecologist, IVF;●Author of "How to Conceive a Healthy and Happy Child";● 25+ years of experience;●Co-founder of the medical consulting agency Victoria Life Agency.

Victoria Hudziak

Make your Appointment If:


    You want to save eggs for the future (planning pregnancy at a later age, oncological diseases, lack of a partner, risk of losing a loved one);

    There were unsuccessful attempts at insemination;

    It is not possible to carry a child;

    You cannot get pregnant;

    Age 40+ Years;


    Concomitant diseases, including diabetes mellitus;

    You have oncology and the desire to be a parent in the future;

    Interested in deferred motherhood;

Book Your Free Online Consultation Today!

Let's Map Out Your Future Parenthood

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You choose to share your concern


Examination of your condition

Treatment selection

Finding the best possible approach for you


Together we start our way to the future happiness


Years of successful and fruitful work throughout the world.


Healthy born children.


IVF programs.



  • How much does the first consultation cost?

    The cost of the first consultation with an expert in complex cases of reproductive medicine is free. This is the first step to the desired pregnancy. And I want to make it with my patients.

  • Where do you treat your patients

    The first consultation takes place online or in neighboring countries with Ukraine, with the possibility of continuing treatment in a medical center for the treatment of complex cases of infertility - PARENTS Lviv, Ukraine.

  • Is online appointment available?

    Yes, you can apply for the online appointment through the contact form on the website.

  • What to expect at the first appointment?

    At the initial appointment, I find out the possible reasons for the failure to get pregnant, the peculiarities of family and sexual life, conduct an ultrasound, and offer a way to have a baby.

  • Again, examinations, tests, IVF? Why? I've already tried it.

    I always achieve results. Yes, not always the first time, because I am a doctor. And, because my patients have complex forms of infertility, and, accordingly, they can repeatedly make IVF attempts, get disappointed, find out the reasons for failure with me, and - get pregnant. So I understand the despair of unsuccessful attempts... And I know that if you really want to become a mother, together we will achieve the desired pregnancy.

What My Patients Say

I appreciate your every feedback and strive to provide better services.


The number of appointments is limited - don't miss your free consultation!

  • Point

    27 Grasmere Avenue, London, United Kingdom, W3 6JT

  • +44 20 4586 6303

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